石田徹也インスタレーションについて 2023/1
About Tetsuya Ishida’s installation January 2023
I was often asked about Tetsuya Ishida. How did he come up with such a strange work? As a result of thinking about this for a long time, I recently came to the following conclusions.
In other words, the answer is that he had a habit of interpreting all phenomena in the world from a prototypical fixed point of view.
Since he was a teenager, he must have been good at anthropomorphizing things around him. He probably said that the theme of anthropomorphization is pitiful adults living in the absurdity of society. The person himself must have been humorously making fun of the foolish way of life of such adults. It’s just that at some point, strong feelings of sadness and anger welled up inside him, and his emotions were dominated by those thoughts. Before he knew it, his anthropomorphic characterization, which began as a cynical criticism of adults, turned toward himself, and the theme of his work changed to a message to himself. As a result, I think he was able to draw many masterpieces.
I’m more attracted to the works of the era that he made fun of, so I thought about those roots in my own way and created this installation. There is no deep meaning there. This installation is an attempt to look at the source of Tetsuya Ishida’s anthropomorphism, which is the origin of Tetsuya Ishida, together through Tetsuya Ishida’s perspective.